THINK TANK 2010 Umbria, Todi
It has just ended three days ago the Think Tank of the Umbria in the 5th Workshop of the Thematic Discussion of Tourism held in the historical location of the Palazzo del Vignola Todi November 24th to 27th
The object of study was. "Quality and Tourism responding today to the challenges of tomorrow "
The audience of experts, who composed the intelligence of the Think Tank has been selected by the Region of Umbria to suit skills and experience. The most interesting thing was that the delegates have been selected not only as the representatives of the sector but also in other sectors [ie municipal police commander] and organizations that influence the experience of the traveler, even in an "indirect." Way [The Normann's constellation value].

Coordinated by Professor Sandro Formica, associate professor of Florida International University, who after an hour of briefing on the format of the Think Tank called experts to break with the past and plan the future leveraging is likely to be as the evolution of the system here in the next 5 years.
The 6 tables were designed to discuss various topics assigned, coordinated by an expert selected by the professor, whose results in turn were synthesized and collected in giant leaves and ideally a hanging wall for the vote of all the experts participating in the think tank. Were selected only those subjects who collected the majority consensus of the participants and the debate that arose, he admitted only additions approved unanimously. Was thus created a share on total goals.
The method involved the analysis of force [trends] that will impact tourism and the destination, the analysis of the impact of forces on the tourism sector, developing the strategy and identification of competences.
The interactive seminar, was to flush out the moving targets have not yet come into being and define future scenarios, at a glance:
1. identification of the forces that affect the tourism sector
2. estimate the impact and timing of forces in the preceding paragraph
3. create competitive methods that are based only on points 1 and 2
4. identifying the new basic skills that will be needed to develop competitive methods
The examined FORCES
• Environmental policy statement
• Social-cultural environment
• Environment Technology
• Environment and sustainable ecological
Where the word environment was conceived in its broadest sense.
The results of the two days were summarized by night staff coordinated and presented by Professor Formica Saturday 27 to the authorities and business operators, for the 5th Seminar on Tourism, organized by the Region of Umbria
In summary these are the objectives
1. The establishment of a Destination Management Organization (DMO) to process the Governance
2. The creation of a Destination Management System (DMS) management system of the destination, similar to a portal, but much more complex structure
3. The implementation of the Green Network: environmentally sustainable mobility, energy conservation and Carbon Free Citadel (both very interesting and strategic for Terni, in my opinion)
4. The design of an e-TRAVELMATE traveling companion and the development of Augmented Reality applications already used by Smartphones
5. You - Umbria, playing with words to YouTube, the realization of a control room for the management and development of events in Umbria.
And much more is revealed during the course of the think tank and within all the material must be synthesized into formal planning documents. The presentation slides have not yet been published.
The undersigned, as well as making available its thirty years experience in the sector, specifically by failing to provide its contribution in relation to the development of tourism linked to the new Web 2.0-based technologies already available.
At the end of the meeting raised the idea that was immediately taken to establish a working group called THINK TANK UMBRIA 2010, using the digital platform made available by Facebook, which have been fed and are flowing as well as the President of the Region of Umbria Hon Catiuscia Marini, Councillor Fabrini, Sonia Berrettini, even the most expert who participated in the Think Tank, the logic is to continue in the experience of permanent think tank format and to network in an optical system development to prepare the ground for the next appointment. In computer jargon is called Enterprise 2.0
Multimedia communication that technology provides has been widely debated during the course of the think tank, but even more was the generation of the value that produces the same to exploit the full potential emerged in the communications field. The images have been widely used during the course of the final presentation, and increased, enhancing the impact of communication effectiveness of the presentation.
A small example is also from this report.
(to watch the video yet it must be registered).
Friendly Yours,
Destination Manager
Dr. Omero Mariani
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