Hi Friends,
let me give you another present for Xmas, a traditional holy song, AVE MARIA, Gounod, performed by the soprano Francesca Grechi.
Location,the franziscan Church of the " Sacro Cuore " in Terni.
The clip aims to give You the righ feeling of Xmas atmosphere in Terni.
Enjoy it...
Destination Manager
Dott. Omero Mariani
Global Travel Marketing, Destination Management, Travel, Reisen, Voyage, Viaggio, TRAVEL 2.0, Web 2.0, Reisen 2.0 Tourism, Trends, Technology, Destination Marketing and Videomarketing. The future in Travel and Tourism. What shall we do next? How can we face the tourist market 2012? What's new in tourism? What's coming up? Everything is moving. Mostly in Information (technology) and Videomarketing, both are power. Will Expertise sharing be a new fronteer ??
lunedì 21 dicembre 2009
sabato 19 dicembre 2009
Xmas Concert Nessun Dorma
Hi Friends,
here I am again, with some ideas to promote my destination, the City of Terni, City of Saint Valentine.
In this occasion I will present to your attention the Opera tradition with a particulare perfomance of the Tenor Paolo Macedonio, singing in the franziscan Church of the " Sacro Cuore " the Holy Heart, in front of the main Altar and the Nativity.
Chistmas is one of the best times to visit Umbria and Terni of course.
Enjoyt the clip...
Destination Manager
Dr. Omero Mariani
here I am again, with some ideas to promote my destination, the City of Terni, City of Saint Valentine.
In this occasion I will present to your attention the Opera tradition with a particulare perfomance of the Tenor Paolo Macedonio, singing in the franziscan Church of the " Sacro Cuore " the Holy Heart, in front of the main Altar and the Nativity.
Chistmas is one of the best times to visit Umbria and Terni of course.
Enjoyt the clip...
Destination Manager
Dr. Omero Mariani
Destination Manager,
Destination Marketing,
Global Travel Marketing,
Nessun Dorma,
Omero Mariani,
Tourist Marketing,
Travel 2.0,
Web 2.0,
venerdì 18 dicembre 2009
Merry Xmas personal video wish
Dear Friends, genious ideas, broughte me to realise that videomarketing will be soon the new fronteer on which compete... so I will give you on this way my personal Merry Christmas... Listen to me...
Destination Manager
Dr. Omero Mariani
Destination Manager
Dr. Omero Mariani
domenica 13 dicembre 2009
Chirstmas Market in Terni
Dear Friends and Followers,
As I said few steps before, in my previous post, destinatin manager need to realise new products in order to compete on the Global Market.
For Christmas time, the tourist comptetion move mainly on Christmas Markets, which should become particular and evocative.
Managing the destination we need to improve emotion wiht genious ideas, so we build during the Years, the Biggest Xmas Star of Europe, the Comet, we arrange several Xmas Markets, and now we would like to animate this with sounds of Christmas.
Melodies and Sounds of Xmas goes in this direction. Tourist and You will tell us if we were able to achieve our goals.
Destination Manager
Dr. Omero Mariani
As I said few steps before, in my previous post, destinatin manager need to realise new products in order to compete on the Global Market.
For Christmas time, the tourist comptetion move mainly on Christmas Markets, which should become particular and evocative.
Managing the destination we need to improve emotion wiht genious ideas, so we build during the Years, the Biggest Xmas Star of Europe, the Comet, we arrange several Xmas Markets, and now we would like to animate this with sounds of Christmas.
Melodies and Sounds of Xmas goes in this direction. Tourist and You will tell us if we were able to achieve our goals.
Destination Manager
Dr. Omero Mariani
M&S, Edlar in Winter
For the international market, it's very important to create evocative atmosheres in Xmas Market in order to underline the value of Xmas, the emotional impact of being there, and compete in the global Market.
Xmas Market are set mostly in North Europe, but Xmas is celebrated almost all over
the world, we need emotion in oder to make a difference.
Thus we created Melodies and Sounds of Xmas.
Destination Manager
Dr. Omero Mariani
Xmas Market are set mostly in North Europe, but Xmas is celebrated almost all over
the world, we need emotion in oder to make a difference.
Thus we created Melodies and Sounds of Xmas.
Destination Manager
Dr. Omero Mariani
sabato 12 dicembre 2009
sabato 5 dicembre 2009
Destination Manager,
Destination Marketing,
Global Travel Marketing,
Omero Mariani,
Travel 2.0,
Travel Marketing,
Web 2.0,
domenica 29 novembre 2009
sabato 24 ottobre 2009
Cascata delle Marmore: Errato recupero escursionistico area Ex-Snia !
Turisticamente parlando non sono convinto affatto del progetto di recupero dell'area ex-Snia Viscosa nel pressi della Cascata della Marmore. O meglio sono convinto della bontà del recupero dell'area ormai in totale degrado, ma il progetto descritto dalla stampa locale non ha nulla di turistico. Posto che per definzione del OMT (Organizzazione Mondiale del Turismo) si può parlare di Turismo solo allorquando si genera almento di un pernottamento. Quindi niente sviluppo di pernottamenti niente Turismo.
Prima di affrontare l'argomentazione nel suo specifico, mi preme sottolineare, che le riflessioni che mi accingo a fare, non hanno nulla di polemico e di critico, intendo solo ed unicamente fornire un servizio/contributo alla riflessione, alla progettazione, alle scelte in ultima analisi allo sviluppo turistico della Cascata delle Marmore: electa una via not datum recursus ad alteram, anche per non sciupare lunicità dell'occasione. La Cascata è il prodotto turistico d'eccelenza dell'area, un errore potrebbe compromettere gli sviluppi futuri.
Il progetto, ideogramma, insomma l'ipotesi apparsa sui media, parla di un recupero dell'area,ben 64.000 mc. 16 mila mq. ai fini di un centro direzionale polivalente per il turismo sportivo, con tanto di foresteria e di servizi annessi e connessi con le attività sportive spontanee dell'area. Stando così le cose l'intervento non ha nulla di turistico, bensì di mero escursionimo, è orientato alla produzione: guarda l'offerta già esistente non già alle potenzialità, insomma guarda all'indietro ed organizza l'offerta già esistente, ossia intende sfruttare il ca 400.000 visitatori che già vengono in area. Non prende in esame il Turista, i suoi bisogni, la sua domanda di vacanza, il mercato nazionale ed internazionale, i trends, il posizionamento tursitico dell'area. Insomma pur nel notevole sforzo di recupero, il progetto paludato a scopi turistici, non è pensato turisticamente, Nè tantomeno in un ottica di destination management e di resort planning, e così resta ineluttabilmente ancorato alla produzione di ciò che c'é e non di ciò che ci sarà o potrebbe esserci.
Significa Generare domanda turistica nuova non riallocare semplicemente quella esistente. Senza domanda nuova, non c'é sviluppo, ma utilizzo dell'esitente. Significa, che prodotti, aree, urbanisitca, arredo urbano, servizi etc. vengono studiati, vagliati ed approfonditi con l'ottica della massimizzazione dello sviluppo della domanda turistica: unico vero indotto che genera sviluppo e ricchezza. Pensare alla Domanda turistica al suo sviluppo ed itercettazione. Domanda ed Offerta regolano il mercato e nel turismo la Domanda è quella che regola di più l'offerta. L'offerta avulsa dalle esigenze della domanda, genera la mancata commercializzazione, il depauperamento della stessa.
Significa pianificare in chiave del turista, che è posto al centro di tutte le attività ed i cui servizi vengono elaborati in sintonia con il consumo della sua Vacanza. Questo banale assunto pone per la verità problemi a dismisura.
1) Sviluppare Domanda - La domanda di escursionismo sportivo presente in Valerina ha già raggiunto la sua fase di maturità, di fatto non genera domanda nuova, ma utilizza parte di quella generata dalla Cascata. E' un turismo mordi e fuggi.
2) Stutture Ricettive - Il recupero dell'area dovrebbe essere inteso, fermo restando la validità dell'organizzazione dell'offerta sportiva, in chiave turistico ricettiva, ossia mediante la costruzione di strutture ricettive, Hotel in primis, soltanto garantendo la possibilità di pernottare, dormire, si inverte il trend del mordi e fuggi. Non disponiamo neanche di una camera con vista Cascata, eppure di domanda di dormire in una camera con vista e balcone sulla Cascata delle Marmore ce ne sarebbe, quanti del 400 mila in transito approfitterebbero dell'occasione di una serata in camera con vista cascata. Una foresteria, non genera domanda turistca, ma ricolloca un eisgenza di pernottamento, senza ruolo nell'offerta turistico ricettiva che neanche la prevede come fattispecie. Una opzione senza mercato né futuro. Se è possibile dare un contributo sarebbe molto più utile puntare su un paio di esercizi ricettivi prestigiosi,due o tre Alberghi Leisure a tre o quattro stelle, con almeno 100 camere caduno e duecento posti letto, integrati dall'offerta sportiva. Queste strutture oltre che sviluppare autonomamente pernottamenti, giocano un partica concorrenziale con il resto dell'offerta turstica e avrebbe un vanaggio competivo unico derivante dalla presenza della Cascata: l'Unicità al Mondo o USP in gergo Unique Selling Proposition, ossia un enorme vantaggio competitivo, oltre alla presenza di un notevole bacino di utenza.
3) Urbanistica Turistica - Pensare turisticamente impone una urbanistica turisitca, al pari di quella commerciale, materiali, design, skyline, colori, tipcità, tutto deve essere pensato turisticamente in chiave di sostenibilità a tutto tondo e nell'alveo del filone della cultura e tradizione e storia del luogo. Lo charme del luogo, la stessa architettura deve assumerne il linguaggio nella sua espressione creativa, affinché essa stessa diventi fattore di attrattiva turistica;
4) Outdoor Activity - La riorganizzazione delle attività sportive in chiave di agevolazione della fruizione dei servizi, tenendo presente che un Active Park è già presente a Scheggino, un competitor che gode di una grandissima superfice e di un time to market imbattibile visto che opera già. La presenza di un ulteriore centro polivalente e direzionale potrebbe scontare una concorrenza imbattibile e quindi una maginalizzazione dal mercato prima ancora di vedere la luce;
Pianificare una destinatione turistica è il mix più complesso di competenze che si possa mettere in pratica. In voga da anni negli Stati Uniti, messo in pratica in Asia stenta a decollare invece in Europa e men che meno in Italia.
Si parte dalla ricerca di mercato del turismo, dai bisogni dalle esigenze, e si progetta poi in base alle aspettative la destinazione, Business Plan, Resort Plan, Budgeting Plan, Maintenace Plan, Product Management etc. sono concetti acclarati ma non di dominio pubblico. Per la verità nenche negli ambienti professionali del Bel Paese.
Provando a simulare una ipotesi di destination planning, l'area dovrebbe acquisire in fase di progettazione una pluralità di competenza, muvento in principio dal mercalto nazionale ed internazionale. La Cascata delle Marmore è la più alta d'Europa, ergo si tratta di un prodotto internazionale, che compete su tutti i mercati. La Cascata è UNICA, non ne esiste altra al Mondo, quindi può operare in regime di Monopolio: non ha concorrenti in Europa se si pensa alla costruzione romana neanche al Mondo. Essendo unica deve avere una valorizzazione unica, dalla quale ne dipende lo sviluppo. Pianificare un sviluppo a basso valore significa non riconoscerle l'unicità né il valore.
L'area ad avviso dello scrivente, dovrebbe essere progettata con standard di qualità elevata, visto l'unicità, Hotel 4 o 5 stelle posizionata sul segmento del MICE (acronimo che sta per Meeting, Incentive, Conference and Exhibition) e se passa il decreto anche con la possibiltà di piazzarvi un "Casino" municipale. (I proventi della tassa di gioco sarebbero una vera manna per lo sviluppo turistico).
L'area turistica così concepita è gioco forza inegrata dal centro direzionale con servizi sportivi.
Il MICE è un mercato ricco in continua espansione, che cerca aree pluridirezionali per fare attività MICE da 500 a 3000 PAX, di cui si sente forte il bisogno. La realizzazione di spazi sotterranei e/o all'aperto per Meetings and Exhibitions di maggiori dimensioni, potrebbe condurre al perseguimento di riempire l'offerta ricettiva della Valle e della Città se e qualora non fosse possibile avere tali dimensioni in area SNIA tutta la ricettività. Il MICE è un settore in espansione, con il vento in poppa, la Cascata è baricentrica e comoda da raggiungere, vicino agli aeroporti internazionali di Roma, con il valore aggiunto di avere attività sportive di ogni genere per riempire il resto della giornata non impegnata in lavori di covegnistica e di esposizione. Oggi è già un parco divertimento sportivo naturale, senza la possibilità di dormirci.
La possibilità di tenervi inoltre una Fiera o Esposizione sull'Outdoor Sport Activity potrebbe con un pizzico di fortuna portare l'area della cascata a Leader delle Attività Sportive, questo si con dinamiche di sviluppo espansive. Ma senza la capacità turistica, ossia di pernottamento il discorso non si reggerebbe.
Mi fermo qua. Altrettanto ci sarebbe da dire sui Mercati. Spero di aver dato un contributo scientifico che possa condurre ad un dibattito maggiore e più allargato. Molto c'è da approfondire, molto da studiare e da perfezionare, molto cose avrei detto ancora, ma l'argomentazione mi sembra già lunga così
La mia premura è quella di non far pregiudicare lo sviluppo turistico futuro dell'Area, abbiamo ereditato dai nostri avi la Cascata, un patrimonio unico ed inestimabile, desideriamo tutti fare qualche cosa per valorizzarla, per aumentarne il fascino e lo sviluppo turistico. Non dobbiamo tutti sbagliare indirizzo e via, perché se sciupassimo la sua unicità commetteremmo tutti grave Errore, cominciando da me se non avessi esternato le mie perplessità.
NOTE: Le mie analisi ed osservazioni sono espresse in forma professionale privata di Destination Manager, attinenti alla mio personale know how, frutto di studio (Master), docenza e costante ricerca.
Destination Manager
Dr. Omero Mariani
Cascata delle Marmore
sabato 10 ottobre 2009
Cross Marketing Morzoff's Saint Valentine's Campain
Here a short clip to show You some topics on a new cross marketing action on the Japanese Market always together with Morozoff, chocolate leadre from Japan...
Destination Manager
Dr. Omero Mariani
Destination Manager
Dr. Omero Mariani
domenica 4 ottobre 2009
domenica 27 settembre 2009
mercoledì 16 settembre 2009
sabato 5 settembre 2009
sabato 22 agosto 2009
Terni, South Umbria, Lake of Piediluco's backstage Sky Family Life TV
Destination Management,
Destination Manager,
Destination Marketing,
Global Travel Marketing,
Travel 2.0,
Travel Marketing,
Web 2.0
giovedì 20 agosto 2009
Google Insights Search helps networking
Great tool: Google Insights for Search, great tool which allows to analyse the trend of online searches conducted on the engine of Google. Through Google Insights for Search, you can get an idea of popular searches, comparing the popularity of a search in relation to another and, in general, have a look at the "spirit of the times" that transpires from what people are looking for on web. So you can set "tag" according the most researched words.
The new version of Insights also offers some additional services compared to the previous, now You can check words that are expected to be researched in the next future. On historical trend and using the new animated feature of the maps is now possible to see how the interest in certain words has evolved over time. You can see how languages influence the research, so pay attention on setting your tags, think ‘ webbish ‘ i.e. Travel is used in UK, USA, CANADA, AFRICA AND SOUTH AFRICA and not by Europeans, Tourism is chosen mostly in South east Africa, Australia and Asia; for my Italian friends Tour Operator is used only in Italy,
So dear Friends starting from me on we have to repositioning our tags.
Insights is a great tool in support of search advertising, it allows to develop and refine the keywords used in online campaigns, to analyse economic trends, to look on the costume and language use.
Insights gives you a large range of possible interest referred to a particular time (the "forecasts" offers a look at the trends for different searches), You have a look on an animated world map and comparative diagrams incorporate into their websites (any graph generated with Insights for Search can be published so easy on the pages of any site).
The performance trends of research (you can type more keywords separated by comma for compare the performance of several terms of popularity), discover the diversity of interests in different geographical areas (you can see the difference in interest in a certain topic in different countries, cities or regions), see the related searches and the most successful in growth (you can see which related to your searches are most popular and which are growing in popularity):
Last but not least you can refine searches by category (you can view the most popular searches in a particular category).
The only think you cannot do I to remain still in front of this exceptional tool
For More info Google Insights
Destination Manager
Dr. Omero Mariani
sabato 8 agosto 2009
Now it's true in Dubai. In UAE now the tallest building of the world. " Burj Dubaj " On the 25th July 2007 the aspiration turned into realty.
This represents the dream of men to have built the tallest tower in the World or as it is mentioned in web " the world's higest aspiration ".
Here in Dubai, in this Tower will be housed the first Armani Fashion Hotel and Residences. A new way to luxury travel. Armani's style in home furnshing such as Casa Armani, made of clean lines, praticality and elegance, will give the italian touch of elegance to this ultra-luxury Hotel and Residences.
For More info: Burjdubai
Destination Manager
Dott. Omero Mariani
martedì 4 agosto 2009
Tourist Trends: East Europe worse than West
European Travel Commission dissaminate information on the European tourism trends in the second quarter 2009. The number of international visitors to the continent, in the period, decreased by 10% and most of the countries has dropped, with the worst performance in Central and Eastern Europe.
Double-digit decreases were recorded, in fact, from Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Lithuania and Russia, but also Portugal and Spain are in decline, with arrivals at minus 12 and minus 14%.
The main cause of decline in these cases, seems to be, the fall in arrivals from Great Britain.
But there are exceptions such as Iceland, which, thanks to favorable exchange rate in the first quarter 2009 reported an increase.
For more information link to the source European Travel Commission
Destination Manager ( DMO )
Dr. Omero Mariani
Double-digit decreases were recorded, in fact, from Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Lithuania and Russia, but also Portugal and Spain are in decline, with arrivals at minus 12 and minus 14%.
The main cause of decline in these cases, seems to be, the fall in arrivals from Great Britain.
But there are exceptions such as Iceland, which, thanks to favorable exchange rate in the first quarter 2009 reported an increase.
For more information link to the source European Travel Commission
Destination Manager ( DMO )
Dr. Omero Mariani
venerdì 31 luglio 2009
Dear followers, Mercury's report 2009, deserves for explaining certain clichés and common mistakes that are very nice, but that should to a carefully approach towards the statistical analysis and synthesis.
1) France in not the first Country in Tourist Ranking !
UNWTO diffuses rankings that are calculated considering the transit of tourists at their borders. This means that even tourist moving by car towards Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Netherlands could be involved in their ranking. A more accurate analysis could be very usefull. It is easily understandable that the ranking made by this method of " borders " should be rewritten and that there will be some surprises in rankings.
2) World Economic Forum has its own ranking method and the result is undoubltely particular
Italy is 28° with 4.8 score, after Cyprus 4.87 score, Malta 4.86 score, Estonia 4.85 score and so on, ah by the way Switzerland is at the top with 5.63 score. Just a question, how may people are living in this country, how is the inbound travel sector, and what is the historical tourist appeal of this countries. Personally I don't know the method and I wonder who really knows it. I would like to have some more information before taking for granted rankings on which I will settle marketing actions. Think over !
3) Statistics in tourims are always calculated on what happened in the past: the previous year.
This is like moving step by step forwards, with your head turned backwards. Do you see ? Easily you can imagine, to edit marketing plans for the future based on previous trends. Do you think we will be able to match the needs of future. The expectations of tourists. May be but honestly speaking we should have more forecasting, more surveys on what will be happen, instead of what happened. Marketing Plans and Campaing could be more accurate and may be matching more the needs and expectation of tourists.
Destination Manager ( DMO's )
Dr. Omero Mariani
giovedì 30 luglio 2009
Crisis hits tourism less than expected -p1- (PPO)
Dear Follower, let me start with PPOs (Personal Professional Opinion)
As we know this is not a crisis in the tourism sector but the financial one: the crisis of creative finance and securitization banking.
Alongside this economic and financial crisis, is developing a new order of tourist supply, made up of new hotels to the detriment of the old ones, new forms of intermediation to the prejudice of those consolidated, new ways of marketing, made of GDS, Booking Engines, CRMS, DMS, social media tools and user generated contents: all this involve a new way of reallocation of tourist spending. (Have a look at the webinar video above of "Google research on traveller's road to travel decision" .)
The result is less business travel and stable leisure travel.
Besides this, the sector records new phenomena of tourism such as " second homes " holidays, i.e. second house property, more vacations by friends and relatives, but holidays anyway.
Tourism holds in Italy and by the end it is expected a decrease of -2 / 4%.
Further more, the italian classic destination, such as Cinque Terre, the Amalfi coast, Sardinia, Riviera del Conero, which have positive perfomances are increasing tourists, in contrast to the trend. We have to add that to the increse of tourist it does not correspond an increase in return because of discounts and promotional offers which include a fall in all prices. The ones who did the job honestly and accurately in the past are winning too in bad times, and who acted badly in past time will pay the bill today.
These seem to be the trends in Italian tourism for 2009.
According to Mercury's 16° Report of Italian Tourism, we got even a different geografy in hospitality industry between central-northern and southern Italy . Here we talk about hospitality and tourism which is not detected or registred by the official national statistic authorithy named ISTAT. According to this cases study, tourist spending their vacation in " second homes " are not registred by ISTAT's survery , this cause data loss in the count of official statistics. Taking this tourists into consideration south Itlay beocmes the first tourist destination of Italy turning upside down the ranking of official statistics.
Having new survey tools available, will allow to record this phenomenon will enable to have more precise data and idea about what is really going on.
I wonder if this outlook or phenomena analsys made for the Italian Tourist market could involve or be interesting even for other countries, I mean if trends and dynamics could be in some ways the same in Europe or all over the world.
... first part .... to be continued
Destination Manager
Dr. Omero Mariani
lunedì 27 luglio 2009
Fake Review threaten UGC
UGSs jeopardised by fake review.
Let’s follow our first post and opinion on fake review in users generated content web site.
Starting from the power of confidence that this site have, they are perceived as very reliable by users, customer and tourist of course; simply for the fact that other people is wanting to share on web, their enthusiasm of their travel; posting opinions, recommendation, photos and may be videos.
In marketing the phenomenon is know as “air marketing” i.e. one to one word, mouth of mouth communication, but nowadays this phenomenon has become more diffused and more popular, thanks social media tools and networks, one of these is the UGCs.
Focusing on the deep reasons, we surely know from statistics, that in the past tourists have always considered friends’ experiences as the best source of information. On average, the experience of friends, affects more than 60% on motivations of travel choices by a potential tourist.
In front of a tourist made review , they feel more at ease and then tend to considers the information more accurate and reliable.
Reliability, Truth, Accuracy and “lack of ulterior motives” are the success of this kind of information.
So it is easily understandable, as the dissemination of fake reviews, is perceived as a threat to the reliability from users and UGCs webmaster. From here the salutary admonition of Tripadvisor.
It is my personal opinion that tourist information should be accurate, true, clear and easily understandable, without fraud, manipulation, ulterior motives etc., all the more so in a site made by and for users themselves. This is not the only parameter of success of the site but also the fundamental and logical step to develop business.
This is the only way…others are false steps.
Destination Manager
Dr. Omero Mariani
sabato 25 luglio 2009
Fake Reviews, Achilles heel of Tripadvisor
Tripadvisor put red warnings on hotel pages with fake review to avoid the collapse of trust.
A forced countermesure for skip out distrust of users.
But let us explain our opnion from the beginning.
One of the most important web 2.0 tools in tourism are the new users genereated contents UGCs, such as for instance Tripadvisor, Tripatlas, Triponia, Tripwolf. Tripadvisor is the leader of these websites, and boast more than 25 milion reviews.
All these are more or less the same kind of websites, made by the review of customer, i.e users of the facilities and locations in which thew spent their vacation. Users can post in a social networking way, posts, opnion, report their experience, post photos and videos, and more. A very intersting idea at the begininning, and even me used it for the search of a restaurant in Amsterdam. An Air marketing tool, a mouth to mouth, advertising, very usefull because percieved as trustful by turist and users.
But what happenend.
In the short time users had a plain dealing, and I am convinced that mostly still do, but, someone thought to take advantge of this good faith and started to post own review to boost image, opnion, and sales.
This incorrect dealing, forced Tripadvisor to put a red warnings on the pages of the unfair users, so long as the incorrect dealing lasts out.
... part one ... to be continued ....
Destination Manager
Dr. Omero Mariani
A forced countermesure for skip out distrust of users.
But let us explain our opnion from the beginning.
One of the most important web 2.0 tools in tourism are the new users genereated contents UGCs, such as for instance Tripadvisor, Tripatlas, Triponia, Tripwolf. Tripadvisor is the leader of these websites, and boast more than 25 milion reviews.
All these are more or less the same kind of websites, made by the review of customer, i.e users of the facilities and locations in which thew spent their vacation. Users can post in a social networking way, posts, opnion, report their experience, post photos and videos, and more. A very intersting idea at the begininning, and even me used it for the search of a restaurant in Amsterdam. An Air marketing tool, a mouth to mouth, advertising, very usefull because percieved as trustful by turist and users.
But what happenend.
In the short time users had a plain dealing, and I am convinced that mostly still do, but, someone thought to take advantge of this good faith and started to post own review to boost image, opnion, and sales.
This incorrect dealing, forced Tripadvisor to put a red warnings on the pages of the unfair users, so long as the incorrect dealing lasts out.
... part one ... to be continued ....
Destination Manager
Dr. Omero Mariani
sabato 18 luglio 2009
ITALIA 's new travel portal
" Italia " a magic new Portal.
Finally we got a Magic Portal of Italian's Tourist Supply.
A new website with many tools and issues of Italian travel and tourism and next even Travel 2.0 tools and Media Networks. Very interesting the Review " Magic Italy " on English full of italian typical issues
At the Moment you can enjoy many regional videos, great variety of Italy's Destination, Amenities, Spots, e many many tools, even an execptional virtual tour and many usefull links.
Great Job !!
For more infos Italia
Destination Manager,
Destination Managment,
Destination Marketing,
Tour Operating,
Tour Operator,
Travel 2.0,
Travel Marketing,
Web 2.0
martedì 14 luglio 2009
Travel 2.0 new website of Austria
Dear Friends,
more than many words, have a look at Austria's new website, web 2.0 evolution, in my opinion a great tool of information, technology, tourism and destination marketing.
Geniuos the three click theory: discover, plan, search&book
Here follows the video cilp made for Youtube:
have a look at and leave your opinion.
Destination Manager
Omero Mariani
more than many words, have a look at Austria's new website, web 2.0 evolution, in my opinion a great tool of information, technology, tourism and destination marketing.
Geniuos the three click theory: discover, plan, search&book
Here follows the video cilp made for Youtube:
have a look at and leave your opinion.
Destination Manager
Omero Mariani
Destination Management,
Destination Manager,
Tour Operator,
Tour Oprerator,
Travel 2.0,
Travel Marketing,
venerdì 10 luglio 2009
Standing Flight, funny idea or new challenge
Have look at the poll on Ryanair web site, they are asking customers if they agree on "standing flights" free of charge or at a discount of -50%.
Funny idea, or a new way to break habitudes. Ryanair revolution is going to repeat its perfomance.
Here the comment of Ryanair’s Stephen McNamara:
“Ryanair carries more international passengers than any other airline. Train, bus and underground commuters often stand for hours each day yet pay the same fare as those who get a seat. Ryanair passengers who are willing to stand on our one hour fights should be able to fly for free. Ryanair is asking passengers to take part in our online poll which will gauge passenger demand for free flights in our ‘vertical seating’ cabin.”
Here some more information: Ryanair
Destination Manager
Dr. Omero Mariani
mercoledì 8 luglio 2009
Pressrelease in Germany, no problem anymore
An unbelivable Travel 2.0 tool for the German Market.
More than 400 Media in three clicks far from You. This is the occasion to comunicate your product on the German market within a reasonable price.
How ? Get a look at the Travel Press Office travelpressoffice which is wanting to introduce to you a new online media tool as press distribution service for the travel and tourism industry.
In my opinion I will try it and see what is coming out.
God Job to All
Destination Manager
D. Omero Mariani
sabato 4 luglio 2009
Tourism Recovery only in 2010
The negative trend in international tourism that emerged during the second half of 2008 intensified in 2009.
In view of the rapidly deteriorating global economic situation, economic growth prospects have repeatedly been adjusted downwards over the past six months. While at the time of the previous UNWTO forecast in January, the International Monetary Fund was still counting on positive growth over 2% for the world economy in 2009, a decline of 1.3% is now expected.
Tourism is seriously impacted, given the sharp reduction in business activity, decreasing disposable income and associated increased unemployment, particularly in key tourism source markets. Exchange rate fluctuations have added to the general uncertainty and business and consumer confidence have yet to recover. Furthermore, the level of advanced bookings, coupled with the reduction in airline capacity, make recovery before 2010 difficult.
There is additional uncertainty regarding the future of the influenza A(H1N1) virus and its effect on demand in the short to medium term. It should be stressed, however, that at the moment no restrictions on international travel are recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Taking account of the results for the first four months of the year and the current conditions, worldwide growth in international tourist arrivals is expected to end up between -6% and -4% for the full year. The pace of decline is expected to soften in the remainder of the year, with the months May-August projected at between -6% and -4%, and September-December between -5% and -3%.
(extract by UNWTO barometer)
Destination Manager
Omero Mariani
venerdì 3 luglio 2009
Proximity Marketing in Toursim? A new fronteer
Proximity Marketing in Toursim? Maybe
Bluetooth, toothing a simply tool on your handy that will transforme your device in a marketing gun.
Have You ever thought to send in a range of 10-50-100 metres a short message, video or audio file as a promotional ad to a potential customer. With no cost at all.
Now this will be possible with bluetooth technology.
A new software on your handyphone or nootebook or other device which support bluetooth can allow You to send short messages to people who are in the halo of your bluetooth.
This phenomenon goes under the name of Proximity Marketing.
I will try this new tool next, maybe during an international Fair to invite people to my booth for a gadget.
I will keep You informed... to be continued -
DM Omero Mariani
For more information
lunedì 29 giugno 2009
Travelling in the Space
Under construction the new port for the Space in New Mexico, from which the first shuttle to the Space will be launched by Virgin Galactic, which will be soon follewed by other space companies.
"The future of the space will be here and we are not far from a new space era," says Ceo Steve Landeene". " Our main goal is not only to bring tourists out of the atmosphere of the Earth but also to increase reaserch. Tourist will allow to cut cost for aerospacial missions".
DM Omero Mariani
giovedì 25 giugno 2009
mercoledì 24 giugno 2009
giovedì 30 aprile 2009
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