Città slow, slow life, or slow town, has become an international movement, which promotes a good quality of life. I love it !!
This movement has strong links with Slow Food (the opposite concept of Fast Food, in which Mc Donalds leads) , and began life in October 1999, during the food festival in Orvieto, Umbria my region and the place where I work in Italy. While Slow Food is open for individuals to join as members, membership of Cittaslow is open to towns, which must have a population under 50,000. Organisations can also join as Cittaslow Supporters.
This movement promotes quality of life. The main issue are oriented to help people to set their sights on providing services and delivering projects that help residents/tourist enjoy life in their town in a relaxed and pleasant way. In Umbria where this philosophy was born we have 9 slow towns for an Umbria Slow Tour.
Visitors/Tourists are welcomed as ‘temporary residents’ and encouraged to join in the Slow lifestyle.‘Living Slow’ involves hastening slowly – "festina lente" as the Romans used to say. The Slow lifestyle respects tradition and quality, and seeks to use the best aspects of the modern world to enhance, preserve and enjoy the old ways of doing things, but not to the exclusion of progress and not for the sake of avoiding change.As the world becomes more globally connected, with international brands and values being marketed, the Slow approach to life aims to respect the small realities of daily life and encourages people along a less frantic path. The Cittaslow approach involves living life at a human scale, respecting and supporting the environment and local traditions and preserving them for current and future generations to enjoy.
Collective well-being is at the heart of the Cittaslow philosophy.
So move on... let's manage how to promote tourist towards this destinations
Omero Mariani
(Destiantion Manager)

Global Travel Marketing, Destination Management, Travel, Reisen, Voyage, Viaggio, TRAVEL 2.0, Web 2.0, Reisen 2.0 Tourism, Trends, Technology, Destination Marketing and Videomarketing. The future in Travel and Tourism. What shall we do next? How can we face the tourist market 2012? What's new in tourism? What's coming up? Everything is moving. Mostly in Information (technology) and Videomarketing, both are power. Will Expertise sharing be a new fronteer ??
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