Dear followers, Mercury's report 2009, deserves for explaining certain clichés and common mistakes that are very nice, but that should to a carefully approach towards the statistical analysis and synthesis.
1) France in not the first Country in Tourist Ranking !
UNWTO diffuses rankings that are calculated considering the transit of tourists at their borders. This means that even tourist moving by car towards Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Netherlands could be involved in their ranking. A more accurate analysis could be very usefull. It is easily understandable that the ranking made by this method of " borders " should be rewritten and that there will be some surprises in rankings.
2) World Economic Forum has its own ranking method and the result is undoubltely particular
Italy is 28° with 4.8 score, after Cyprus 4.87 score, Malta 4.86 score, Estonia 4.85 score and so on, ah by the way Switzerland is at the top with 5.63 score. Just a question, how may people are living in this country, how is the inbound travel sector, and what is the historical tourist appeal of this countries. Personally I don't know the method and I wonder who really knows it. I would like to have some more information before taking for granted rankings on which I will settle marketing actions. Think over !
3) Statistics in tourims are always calculated on what happened in the past: the previous year.
This is like moving step by step forwards, with your head turned backwards. Do you see ? Easily you can imagine, to edit marketing plans for the future based on previous trends. Do you think we will be able to match the needs of future. The expectations of tourists. May be but honestly speaking we should have more forecasting, more surveys on what will be happen, instead of what happened. Marketing Plans and Campaing could be more accurate and may be matching more the needs and expectation of tourists.
Destination Manager ( DMO's )
Dr. Omero Mariani