Dear Firends and Followers,
I am convinced that soon nothting in tourism and travel will be the same. This long crisis, low cost fare, technology, Social Media, User Generate Content are transforming the way of marketing.
Everything is moving. Personally we planned to attend as usual the International Fairs, scheduling Vakantiebeurs, Urecht, Salon des Vacances, Brussels, FREE, Munich, BIT Milan, ITB Berlin, and now after the first attendance we registred a drop of visitor in Utrecht, which is usually on of the Best fairs in the international panorama.
More than 14.000 vistor less than in 2009 seems to be the Fair's peformance.
This figures lead us to a reflection: are the fairs in crisis or is there still a crisis in the tourist market?
May be true that the new Technology threatens the traditional market and the old system of distribution made of: exhibition - travel organisers, travel agency, for the benefit if, internet - social media - user generated contents.
I think that it's too early to give an answer, I like to wait and see the result of the international fairs in the first half of the Year....
Further more, may be that I will change habitude to communicate, next I will write less and prompt more videos, videomarketing directly from my notebook, and you will tell me if this could bee usefull.
Freindly Yours,
Dr. Omero Mariani
Destination Manager
1 commento:
Dear Friends and Followers,
in Brussels I heard that in Netherland, entrance ticket to Vakantiebeurs has been up to € 18 per persone, I presume to much for a Travel Fair, and despite my opinion above, I think that prices has been the first cause of the drop of visitors.
Destination Manager
Dr. Omero Marinai
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